bulldozer prepping backyard multilevel area

Boulder Walls for
a Natural Look

North Idaho Pavers Has Mastered the Process

It’s often helpful to use a wall in your landscape design. Walls can serve many purposes, and we’ll get into the details of some of those in a moment. However, a simple concrete wall might not meet your needs in terms of aesthetics, so you may wind up being hesitant to add a wall for fear that it will take away from the look of the property.


This is where boulder walls become such a great option. A quality boulder wall can offer the benefits you are looking for while also delivering a natural look at the same time. If you’ve been putting off a wall project because you were worried about how it will look when all is said and done, set those concerns to the side and consider a boulder wall today.


Adding a boulder wall to your property is too important to trust the job to an inexperienced, unproven team. There are smaller jobs that might be a good fit for a company just getting started in this business, but when it comes to something like a boulder wall, you want to make sure you are working with the best. 

Why Use A Boulder Wall?

If you have a sloped property, you might struggle to get as much use out of the property as you would like. With a boulder wall, you can divide the space up into sections and flatten out each of those areas. Suddenly, you’ll be left with land that is far flatter than before, and the uses for that land are then opened up. Whether you want to create a garden, a space for the kids to play, or just a nice lawn that’s easy to mow, flattening your property through the use of a boulder wall is a great plan.
One of the best things about a boulder retaining wall is that it is made from rocks – meaning it isn’t going to wear out anytime soon. If you build a retaining wall out of wood, that wall is susceptible to rot and may wear down as the years pass. With boulders, you’ll have the work done once and you won’t have to worry about it moving forward.
There are likely other rocks or boulders already located around your property as they were placed by Mother Nature. So, adding more boulders that are arranged in such a way that they form a wall is a natural approach that is going to look great and not stand out in a bad way. North Idaho is an incredibly beautiful place and you’ll be playing right into that natural beauty by using boulders instead of another material.

Our Proven Boulder Wall Process

With so many successful projects under our belt, we have a clear process established that we use to work through a boulder wall job without any trouble. As with most projects, this process starts with site prep work, where we will get the area that will be used for the wall ready to go and grade any surrounding land appropriately. From there, we’ll move into tasks like stone selection, placement, and backfill. When all is said and done, you’ll be left with a result that you love. 


No matter what type of wall you add to your property, having a quality contractor on your side is always required – and for that, you can’t do better than North Idaho Pavers. We have extensive experience serving clients throughout our region and we’d love to discuss your upcoming project right away. Reach out today and let’s get started!

There are a few important points that you’ll want to consider while working through the planning and design process for your new wall. Perhaps the most important of those is the placement of the wall on your property. This can be a tricky choice to make if you aren’t experienced with these kinds of projects, but fortunately the team here at North Idaho Pavers will bring plenty of experience to the job and will help you find exactly the right spot to suit your needs.
You might also want to consider adding some lighting to your new wall to highlight it after the sun goes down. This not only can have a dramatic effect on the wall, and allow you to enjoy its look at night, but it can also provide a safety boost for the property. If it’s not possible – or practical – to run wired lights to the wall, you may be able to use solar lights to get the job done without tapping into your electrical system.
One other key element that will come into play in the boulder wall process is picking out exactly the right stones for the job. The size of the rocks that you pick out, and how those rocks fit in with the surrounding area, will go a long way toward determining the finished look of the project. This is another area where the skill and experience of North Idaho Pavers can come in handy, as our team will be able to source the ideal boulders to bring this new wall to life exactly as you had envisioned.

Some Key Considerations

Contact Us to Start Your Project Today!

A beautiful boulder wall can become a featured element on your property that will immediately stand out to visitors as soon as they arrive. Between the visual appeal of this feature and the functional role it can play in improving your land, this project is a win all the way around.


Take a moment to contact North Idaho Pavers at your convenience and we’ll be happy to discuss the job with you. Thanks for stopping by!